Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Your aid

Well not really aid lah, I just nak tolong those yang still ternganga-nganga tktahu how nak bring back the 'FOLLOW' button, I tumpang simpati dekat uols yang tidak memiliki button tu. Sebab I pun baru fixed the problem (kwangkwangkwang) I ni bukan lah buta IT ke hape but I just takut je nanti if bega sana-sini panggg hilang semua menangis tk sudah kau joyah tapi at least finally.. I dapat juga uols button tu suka tak sudah I feel like crying now (erk!)

Follow the flow:

1. Please click dashboard / design dekat uols punya blogsite tu.
2. And then if uols punya blog latest view punya, pergi sebelah kiri click layout
3. Next, dia keluar yang tu re-arrange gadget tu, click dekat 'add gadget'.
4. Scroll down ke bawah sikit, cari yg HTML/ JAVASCRIPT
5. Copy and paste code bawah ni, copy and paste je toksah letak title etc. tu.

<div style="display:scroll; position:fixed; top:5px; right:90px;"><a class="linkopacity" href=" ID BLOG ANDA" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Follow !" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a> <div style="display:scroll; position:fixed; top:5px; right:2px;"><a class="linkopacity" href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Dashboard !" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="" /></a></div></div>

6. For the highlighted ID BLOG ANDA tu, please paste your Blog ID ada dekat bahagian URL 

    atas tu if rasa ada spacing tu uols pandai-pandai lah backspace sikit kay.

7. So can see now? paste yang berhighlighted tu if not yours still can't be followed lah. 

8. Done copy & paste steps, masukkan ID, and click save.

9. So now, siap! Wuhu. 

Genuinely by me. 

Steps are taken from : Ceritera Si Gadis Merah  ( click to view , not here but < )