Thursday, 9 August 2012

Phd to Admiration.

Perasaan Hasad Dengki, not either the Doctor of Philosophy or Pizza Hut Delivery. Mana pun kita pergi, perasaan manusia ni susah nak di kawal. Sometimes tu kita sendiri tak tahu kenapa orang nak dengki dengan kita,or kita nak dengki dengan orang we live on the same land and under one atmosphere pun kan, kesenangan di bumi Malaysia ni semua orang boleh dapat. But what to do, its human nature. Kita memang tak dapat halang, even kita sendiri pun sometimes ada phd nya but recently I'm in the process of training myself untuk fight habis-habisan perasaan hasad and I just turn it into admiration. Because admiring is better than jealousy. If we think other people have better education, smart brain, millionaire, big cars, gold farm etc, it brings me to the admiration which leads me to the thought yang I pun boleh and should achieve. 

Cuba uols fikir eh, what's the matter of hasad dengki? Buat rasa sakit hati kan, which all that may cause uols semua rasa tak sedap hati, rimas, lemas, geram, dendam dan the most worst part benci. Bila dah tahap sampai benci tu PhD yang memang uols lah professor dia, u lead the way bebeh. 

I have friends, who love Coach Gucci & Prada so much, I have many friends who drive Mercedes/Swift/Cooper to campus or anywhere, I have friends who travels 7 countries in one year and I have friends whose their iPhone's bill might reach RM1k in a month. And most of them are very nice, very sweet hearted, takda lah sampai ;

"Eh, u cannot eat in my car tau takut kotor and bau" (erk?)

"Don't touch any stuffs in my room eh, I spot any scratch or flaws siap u anne" (LOL)

 "U pakai perfume White Musk Body Shop je? Euw so low class!" (for time being hihiks)

Kalau macamni , memang rasa nak ei, but if only we sakit hati pun sebab their words not because of they are rich. I admire my friends so much, most of them have a very good-family bond, respect others, and generous enough to be a human. But for some behaviour yang we don't know purposely, takyah lah nak korek nak tahu juga kan. Let them be je. 

Dapat tak apa yang I try nak sampai kan kat sini, sometimes phd kita ni boleh sampai ke tahap paranoids towards somebody tu, like oh orang kaya mesti clubbers, oh orang kaya mesti sombong oh orang kaya mesti taknak kawan dengan kita oh eh oh eh (eh so childish)


Oh that girl/boy study UTP, study Taylors, study GMi, study Nottingham, study overseas.. Geniuses, so jangan nak berangan kawan dengan those brainy students.


Amboi cantiknya dia, berseri-seri and comel lah pula lately ni, mesti spent money untuk make up banyak sangat ni, ke botox (eh? over) rambut cantik lah dia tu, mesti everymonth duit pergi saloon je, curl lah straighten lah (bff I haha) well, siannya uols paranoids sangat tu, biar lah dia duit dia, dia cantik pun kita happy kawan dengan dia dia tak sakitkan hati kita pun, takpun jeles lettew haha.I suka if my friends pretty kemas comel cantik wangi, if tak mekap I akan paksa dorang make up at least pakai lipstick hehe.. Ala, semua orang pun cantik, pakai lah Tajima ke, rambut beralun ke, apa ke everyone is beautiful in one's eyes. Dont worry okay. 


Whatever situation yang boleh buat uols paranoid mahupun phd melampau, I think u can start to switch it to something better. What's the matter nak sakit hati kan, if we admire others kan easy je, because I know some people yang have this 'jijoikness element' sudah-sudah lah tu, ni tengok orang shopping banyak sikit nak cemburu melampau, nak cakap uuu untung lah orang kaya, untung itu untung ini. Sama je semua, parents uols pun kerja parents I pun kerja parents semua orang pun kerja. If parents uols tk kerja uols lah kerja, gain extra money, then uols shop lah till drop. Toksah nak cemburu itu ini, not good for health okay. 

AND for those yang have enough wealth, good education, cozy house don't boast too much, be humble a bit, tak ke mana pun harta awak kalau menyombong tak sudah. We happy, people happy, and less phd.

إياكم والحسـد، فإنَّ الحَسَـدَ يَأكُل الحَسَنَات كَمَا تأكُل النَّارُ الحَطَب
Beware Of Jealousy; For It Eats Up Good Deeds As Fire Eats Up Wood. (al-hadith: Abu Dawood)

p/s: this entry is basically for self-reminder and for semua orang jadikan contoh, tiada kena mengena dengan yang hidup mahupun yang telah meninggal dunia.

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