Monday, 30 July 2012

The idea

Since the day I watched this video dekat youtube about wawancara between three guy-celebs (as I can only remember Fizo je hihi) with Irine Nadia Marcello, blogger femes emes tu uols. Ala tak payah cakap lah memang para blogger pun akan kenal kan. Then she came out with the statement 

Fizo : "Siapa lagi blogger femes yang awak tahu? Yang lebih femes dari awak?"
Irine : " Yuna and Hanis Zalkiha"
Fizo : "Hanis Zalikha pelakon tu? Oh dia pun ada blog??"

Then I pun macam terkena sambar petir terus clicked Google, type Hanis Zalikha blog and terus went through her blog, I pun macam amaighattttttttttttttt osem gila blog dia. I mean very sempoi and she chooses to write in very relaxing way and I like the statement yang dia bukan orang yang kedekut. Ahah, confession here; Hanis, you're not only hot meletup, kayos, brilliant and I could see you maintain a very good-family-bonding. I loike. I even stalk (opss) her mom's blog serious, I boleh missed my afternoon-nap baca dorg punya updates. 

Okay so motif I came out with this entry because, I nak bagitahu yang maybe I should change the way of my blog-writing. I want it to be simple, tak poyo bajet mat saleh walaupun study TESL gitu and the more important thing is picture and idea yang boleh di share bersama pembaca (if ada orang baca lah *dramatic sekejap haha) 

So disini adalah list list 'renovation' untuk blog I :

- Menggunakan manglish ( tho I know if my lecturers see me in Malay-writing, I'm so dead)
- Memperbanyakkan photos kenangan walau di mana / buat apa/ bila / etc etc
- Share idea / tips-tips make-up / pemakanan / dress up (macam idola sesangat perasan)
- Post entry yang friendly
- Andd.....rajin update entry hihi, I jarang online laptop since guna sematfon ni haa its like 
  semua nya di hujung jari, so laptop di hujung almari pandang sebelah mata je lew.