Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Song of the day #1

Taylor Swift

Elevator buttons and morning air
Strangers' silence makes me want to take the stairs
If you were here we'd laugh about their vacant stares
But right now my time is theirs

Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, my choice is you

So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours

You never know what people have up their sleeves
Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me
Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles
But I don't care 'cause right now you're mine

And you'll say
Don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours

And it's not theirs to speculate
If it's wrong and
Your hands are tough
But they are where mine belong and
I'll fight their doubt and give you faith
With this song for you

'Cause I love the gap between your teeth
And I love the riddles that you speak
And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored
'Cause my heart is yours

So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
Don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
But they can't take what's ours
They can't take what's ours

The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours

Monday, 10 September 2012

Good food

Who says, Sarawak ni takda makanan murah and sedap, orang local kata nyaman (sedap). Hangpa semua mesti tak pernah datang Sarawak kannn ingat kamek oghang makan daun hutan, buah-buahan jak kah. Hahaha. Let you be pardoned, yang I duduk Kuching, cuba uols google sikit Kuching tu ibu negeri ke pedalaman. 

So sebenarnya motip I this time adalah.....
 untuk list kan good foods yang I tahu lah kan kat one of Borneo lands ni.

We have various choices of food yang uols semua boleh pilih, western, eastern, southern and northern (erk) , local foods, non-local, original traditional food, and those foods yang ada dekat West Malaysia we have here, though some but okay lah not bad. 

But sometimes tu I rasa sedih juga lah because we don't have Tutti Frutti, Pakli Kopitiam (available in Selangor only hahaks) , Dominos, Chatime, Carls Junior, Delicious, Bubba Gump, Ole-Ole Bali eh? But apa yang ada dekat sini, I feel grateful juga lah, many of the food branches ni yang never been heard dekat Semenanjung pun so macam bangga gak lah kan *hands on shoulder.

Lets start our food journey talk..


Hahaha ada ke ada ke dekat semenanjung, takda kannnn. No lah, dia only familiar dekat Brunei and Borneo je, maybe they are planning to buka their branch dekat Semenanjung soon? No one knows. 

So, basically, they serve Western Foods, those who have western-tongue and always love western foods, sure you'd love it here with their very very very very very affordable price. Nothing is more than RM10 / MYR10.

RM6.00 only

RM6.00 only

(ala-ala chicken chop)

RM 4.80

And many more, nak letak banyak sangat but these are the most popular choices lah. Murah kan, dekat Semenanjung ada but it is so rare lah restaurant murah and yumm!


Well, my first impression time first-first I came here was, 'I would love to try, but this looks expensive! And keenakannya I sendiri tak tahu because I ni bukan lah memilih because I kan awek Malaysia yang tak makan nasi for 4 years already so I sangat cerewet and mengada-ngada. Okay dah.

This SCR (nama glemer dia) not only serve yummilicious chicken rice, but also makanan makanan yang sangat sukar kita jumpa dekat certain restaurants. And again, my first impression was absolutely wrong, because this restaurant pun tersangat lah murah. Dia punya price more or less the same je dengan Ayamku. But this one macam for those yang prefer to eat makanan-makanan berat macamtu okay lah but they also have western menu. 




Okay I could'nt find gambar-gambar lain so lets proceed to the next restaurant.


Sugarbunnnnnnnnnnnnnn, it sounds sweeet. But tak pun actually, dia ni somehow macam KFC or to be exact mcm Wendys lah. If dekat sini, I like their Chikcen Burger, omg seriously burger dia standard Spicy Chicken McDeluxe with the lowest price. Dia punya ayam tu homai, tembam nyaaaaaa tebal and ughh now I lapar. And then I like their ice cream, dia akan twist you punya ice cream tinggi and tajam and harga pun murah. I mean standard lah dengan harga Chocotop. Okay now I am not being racist or judgemental okay I just nak uols dapat imagine harga dia.

Okay ignore ni harga Brunei.

CHEESE BURGER RM4.10 (not in the picture)

They also have Fried Chicken with rice coleslow, twister fries, mashed potato, fries etc. Seronok lah juga this restaurant, sure should try and bandingkan dia dengan Wendys dekat KL nun hehehe.


Well I know dekat Sunway Pyramid pun ada Chicken Hartz, but I rasa nama dia terbalik kot Hartz Chicken. The concept sama je dengan dekat sini,  but dekat sini famous sikit this restaurant. They serve western foods, choices of western's. Seriously you'd love it, taste dia pun not bad tau. For those yang suka makan banyak, makan lama, makan lambat, makan berborak, makan makan makan and makan, boleh lah try.Siap dengan desert dia sekali icecream drinks etc. Uols just need to pay RM20 and makan for 2 HOURS uols. I repeat, 2 JAM! Heaven tak, yang anak-anak dia suka makan ayam goreng banyak-banyak di jemput bawa, but jangan lah selalu nanti meningkatkan statistic obesiti among school children dekat Malaysia je. Chicken Hartz pula di blame haha.

If dekat Kuching ni uols boleh cari dekat Sarawak Plaza, and dekat area Wisma Satok. If dekat Sunway Pyramid, Subang boleh cari area yang nearest to Sunway Lagoon betul-betul je keluar dari gate Lagoon tu uols boleh menjamu selera kat situ, opposite to Jco Donuts.


Okay, this is kedai ice cream or dia macam abc tapi bukan abc lah, dia ice yang di blend macam abc tu je. Tapi ice tu sendiri ada flavour. This is one of my favourites here. Untuk menggantikan rasa rindu dekat Tutti Frutti walaupun tak sebiji lah. Sedap and murah againnnnn... Hahahaha everything is cheap kan.  Not bad lah the price if Tuttis kena timbang IGlool no need just pilih je dekat menu dia, nothing is more than RM10. Sedap and sedappppp lah.

Last time ada dekat Summit mall Subang tau, but I dont know why last time my sister said dah tutup dah pun branch dia. Maybe orang semenanjung kurang suka kot. Or maybe sebab tempat tak berapa nak strategik. Dua possibilities tu.


Mee yang femes emes lah dekat Sarawak ni, uols kalau datang please jangan tak rasa mee kolok. Tersangat marvellous. Dia guna mee yang curly tu ada lah macam mee yang ala i don't know lah tapi dia kerinting macam maggi mee but it is not maggi mee lah for sure, ada daging or ayam either one and segala isi dia lah depends dekat kedai mana, and then ada soup. Some will serve soup kosong yang slurrrp while some dorang akan ada bean sprout dalam soup tu. Sure crunchy. And then makan dengan sambal kicap hitam dia yang masam-masam pedas tu, ya Allah lazatnya dunia ni.

Minum pula dengan teh c peng special (3-layer lah bahasa semenanjung) memang kenyang seminggu haha. Uols kalau datang jadi tourists, janganlah malu bertanya tempat-tempat makan best, rugi ler if malu.


Ni lagi satu makanan femezzz Sarawak, I tak pernah rasa I mean pernah one or two spoons camtu je, I don't know maybe sebab I dah terbiasa dengan laksa penang and laksa johor and laksa singapore and laksa katong je kot. But not bad lah 2 spoons tu, dapat juga rasa kelazatan dia tu, and besides tengok my friends ramai je enjoy makan tu so I assumed yang it doesn't taste stale lah kan. Dia guna bihun and kuah dia ala-ala curry yang tak lah curry sangat. I don't know nak describe further but if uols dengar orang-orang yang pernah makan persuade suruh try tu, sila lah merasa cari pengalaman makanan orang kan. 

Not bad kan, harga pun of course takkan melebihi RM10 unless uols choose to eat at Pullman or Hilton or Margarita etc. Over sangat, takyah those foods cari dekat warung berdekatan je lebih enjoy..


Ataupun nama familiar dia RJ. So far this one not bad juga because hidangan dia semua standard cafe/ kopitiam. Best lah juga, last time I makan dengan Aunty Ina ( don't bother whom haha) makan kuey tiaw, dia punya sotong mak aih besau gila ! Puas makan, I yang temok ni pun, tak habis. Lagi satu concept cafe dia sangat sangat interesting, rasa macam you are back to the Zaman P.Ramlee, very classic but in modern-designed. 


Yang ni first time I makan masa we ols ada pergi this Rockview resort dengan tutor, Manok is ayam and pansoh is buluh if I am not mistaken, concept masak dia more or less the same je macam masak lemang tu, okay bakar, dalam buluh but I tak sure ni dia bakar ke apa. Because bila dia hidang tu still soupy and ayam dia tersangat lembut dan lazat, dia bukan soup ayam but serious lah lain dari yang lain. 


I like this cafe because somehow bila I masuk je kan I feel like okay 'wow' macam Foods of orang Malaysia, I mean 1 Malaysia kotttttttt. And seriously cafe ni tak pernah lengang, you datang breakfast full, you datang lunch lagi lah because makanan dia variety sesangat. Makanan Semenanjung cakap je nak apa, makanan Sarawak takyah cerita lah kan dah nama pun dekat Sarawak. So, memang best lah kalau nak makan sini I suggest datang ramai-ramai pastu order makanan lain-lain and then boleh rasa-rasa, tak rugi pun, if awak tu jenis tak suka berkongsi order lebih tak pun habis order lagi, ahh life is so easy haha. 


Nama dia so cute, sebab dia memang ada bentuk train. Fatin who first introduced kat I pasal  kuih ni, it was her treat that time sebab excited sangat nak bagi I rasa kuih tu. Seriously dia sedap, nak cakap macam apam tak, macam apam balik lagi lah, maybe macam tepung dia tu ada sikit. Sedap and manis. 4 gerabak cost me only RM1.20. So cheap kan.

( no picture available for time being)

Actually banyak lagi yang we have here, I pun still belum habis explore but I tahu lah some kedai makan yang seem familiar to us, as student yang overseas sangat ni. We all kalau rasa nak makan lauk West Malaysia, we usually go to Restaurant Dayang, Satok. Ada macam-macam lauk lunch yang memang baik punya. Kalau dinner, if tekak rasa nak makanan Kelantanese we all know where to go. If we all rasa nak pilih makanan yang macam-macam boleh pergi foodcourt at any mall. We have Spaghetti Station, and many more lah yang I tahu tempat but tak ingat nama.  

Malaysia sangat kaya dengan makanan. So uols yang tak habis explore Malaysia lagitu, those yang suka travel and kenal budaya orang boleh lah datang ke Sarawak. I mean our place here tak lah seteruk your first impression even the foreigners ramai je yang suka visit here. We have nature yang sangat best, I mean not in Kuching lah haha.

So, Happy Tasting and Eating! XD

Monday, 3 September 2012

Throat o throatz

Losing my voice!
Throat feeling a little raw! 

Whether you’re a professional singer, speaker, or teacher, or you just cheer too loudly at ball games, voice overuse can make you hoarse. It’s painful, annoying, and can even cause 
permanent vocal cord damage if not treated properly.

So here's the story start, 
I am not sick (at first) but some of the girls here are sick. So bila we all hari-hari jumpa, borak, baring sekatil (opss), makan berkongsi (another oppss) anything has high possibility untuk berjangkit kan.

Tak kira lah, demam ke, batuk ke, flu ke, kurap ke, kutu ke, kelumumur ke (i dont know sahih ke dop ni) , sakit tekak macam I ni ke, annnd bau badan pun boleh berjangkit uols. I dah ketemu beberapa testimoni dengan my 4 eyes dah, teruk sungguh if kita banyak sangat ber'SHARE' something ni. But what to do, its all depends on us, if you seorang yang clean-freak, keep it that way jangan terikut pula orang pengotor awak pun nak jugok susah lah tu, orang makan tak basuh tangan awak pun ikut juga. Keep yourself clean lah supaya kesihatan pun lebih terjamin. 

Sebenarnya..... Dah lari topic haha.

So dari semalam (which means Sunday) I lose my voice. Susah tak susah lah kan, nak gelak susah because people barely hear yang kita ni gelak or nangis, nak bercakap pun suara macam 'Gay' or lebih sopan macam one little boy yang baru reached puberty campur pula dengan tersekat-sekat. Seksa uols. And paling sedih bila nak panggil orang yang jarak dia memang lah jauh, thank God I have friends yang berdekatan I sangat-sangat memahami dan baik hati (ecehhhhhh) they all dengar I panggil in the 'what-exactly-you-shout-out' voice, dorang pun terus panggil kan that particular person yang I panggil tu hihi Thank you.

I dont know what else I need to do, its been two days already and the voice is still not showing any hint to back to normal. Sedih lah either Wednesday or Thursday I have presentation penting for this semester, I dont want to postpone it to another later. For those yang read my entry I hope uols please doakan suara I ada balik and I tak demam etc because I also have test this Wednesday. Sigh.

Usaha untuk kembali sihat sedang di naik taraf kan.

And so, antara tips-tips yang I dapat buat untuk heal my sore throat ni dan mungkin juga berguna untuk uols yang having the same sickness :

- Drink plenty of plain water, preferably Hot / Warm water.
- Eat less oily-foods / spicy-foods and I highly recommend uols to eat hot soup/porridge,        
  tak kira lah yang instant ke yang beli kat mcdonalds ke yang beli dekat restaurant or yang   
  mummy/daddy/bibik/buahati uols buat ke. Makan panas-panas it'll at least help you 
  soothe tekak uols yang penuh kahaks tu.

- Each time uols mandi or rasa panas tu, basah kan kepala, either uols nak shampoo ke 
  taknak ke sukahati uols lah tapi basahkan kepala okay. If time wudhu' tu sapu air banyak-
  banyak kat ubun kepala pun bagus.

- Kurang kan bergelak ketawa serta menjerit dengan rakan-rakan yang gila. Hahahaha yang 
  ni optional. Macam I selalu juga rasa nak diam nak save suara but then bila dah berdepan 
  dengan mereka-mereka yang funny tu, intention I yang nak jadi anti -social ni mesti 
  disappear ke mana tah. But I suggest tak payah lah ikut I, sampai la ni tak baik-baik lagi.

- Jangan menangis, kecuali ada kematian, atau uols accident kalau setakat break up nak  
  nangis tak yah lah sian nanti lagi teruk takda suara hahaha. No lah, tapi if tak necessary 
  untuk uols menangis, tak yah lah nangis senyum je, thats how psychology works.

- Kurang kan pergi tempat-tempat berhabuk, if yang bedsheet dah berbulan tak basuh 
  mohon laundry lah, tu adalah salah satu reason juga tu.

- According to my best doctor,my daddy annddd my roomate, jangan makan strepsils banyak 
  sangat. Because somehow ia akan menyebabkan kita lagi hilang suara. I stress kan kat sini 
  ya for those who are having sore throat sampai hilang suara, tidak disarankan untuk 
  makan strepsil, unless you have sore throat yang biasa-biasa tu

- Dan uols juga boleh lah minum air asam jawa mahupun air limau panas ye I ulang, 
  P A N A S if tak faham Malay, Hot Tamarind Juice / Lime Juice ( bukan lime water(air kapur) 
  ye macam dalam chemistry tu) untuk mendapat kelegaan tekak..

- And according to Mr.Architect saya, ice cream might help. I mean for some people lah, I 
  never experiment it to myself kan because I ikut cakap mummy je 'NO ICE! MEANS NO!' But 
  if you rasa you ni exceptional kan, you boleh lah try makan ice cream kay because dia mcm 
  help you cool kan internal organ you (agaknya lah haha) But ice cream tu jangan lah yang 
 nak ikut sedap tekak, cornetto love lah apa lah. And no ice cream malaysia kay. 

- And last, ikut lah saranan pesanan masyarakat dari I, doctor yang belum sempat nak jadi 
  doctor, Miss Anneyna. Or tkpun if taknak ikut, uols boleh google sendiri the ways to heal 
  your sore throat tu kay.

"Allah has not sent down any sickness without sending down its cure as well." 

"Allah has sent down illness and the medicine. Allah has given a medicine for every sickness. Thus, you should use medication, but do not use medication from Haraam (which has haraam in it)."
(Abu Dawood) 

my pale look yes 

 Good luck and stay healthy! :)